Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Digital Badge #A-Ch1

First, we live in an almost totally inclusive electronic technology age from our computers at home and work, to our tablets and notebooks at college, to our i-phones and even our smart- watches on our wrists.  Throughout my education which began in the early 1970's with black boards and chalk until I graduated High school in 1985, where we used desk-top computers at home only, to my graduation from college in 1990 I have been a "digital immigrant".  (Prensky, 2001) I am still learning the potential for various technologies and of the integration that exists now for use in the future teaching classroom.  As stated by Bruce and Hogan (1998, p 270)  "We move from looking at technology as an addition to life to looking st life through that technology."  Humans created these and can redefine their uses in new more productive ways.  Maloy,et al (2013, p 4)Our world today contains, "hyper-connected" students.  (Anderson, 2002)  I am so excited, even intrigued to see how much progress is made in my lifetime and how much further our pupils will progress in the future. how stuff works
Second, the strategies for learning new technologies section within our text was full of "new to me," concepts and ideas using technology that I am just now discovering and toying with.  The expanding technology categories indicated using Squeak or Scratch for Math that students use  to construct their own learning games.  Also using new social bookmarking sites Delicious or Diigo for alternate ways to search for information online.  And finally Wiki to have your class contribute resources to study key concepts from your curriculum.  
Third, we were challenged to create for ourselves our own 21st C digital identity in the classroom and online.  To use our toolbox to enhance and develop, using technology, our students experiences of accessing and  assessing their worlds today through their curriculum, and cultures, and to integrate their real-world using these tools. 

In conclusion, I found out how much more information technology exists that I was unaware of and how much of a task we have been given as educators in the 21st C society to teach to this next generation of learners. But also how truly blessed we are to be able to receive their input, creativity, and ingenuity to compliment and enhance our curriculum today.  Allowing us to be proficient and effective as we completely transform learning with new technologies.

textbook-Maloy, Robert, Verock-O'Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013) Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.